Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Memories of an Outlaw: Chapter 1 Meet the Parents

I. First visit to Braeburn drive – First impressions are everything when you lose the wheel off clean off the axle of your ’82 Saab pulling up the driveway. Michael, thanks for calling the tow truck!
II. First dinner at Braeburn drive – The Squeeky Chair – Oh Joy! Light dinner conversation on topics including the Middle East, the Catholic Church and US economic policy (wish I had taken debate in high school) ...and "O'Brien pours!"
III. Michael’s first visit to my apartment in Stamford - I peered out the window wondering why Michael was pacing back and forth by the car downstairs and why it took 20 minutes for Joan to convince him to come in (it must have been something about the Sicilian Gentlemen’s club downstairs).
IV. Michael’s first Dinner at my apartment in Stamford – I prepared a four-course Vegan meal (Alyssa was militant back then) centered on the theme of “Wild Mushrooms”. Your glass was emptied (repeatedly) but your plate remained untouched – only later did I learn that mushrooms were your favorite.

Seriously though, many visits and many dinners later, it is always great to be in your company. I couldn’t have asked for a better Father in-Law.

Happy 65th!!!


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