Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Michael O'Brien vs. ...

Michael O'Brien vs. the brown patched lawn
(he lost this one... hired a lawn keeper)

Michael O'Brien vs. the bats (and their droppings)
(have you seen the netting on the back roof)

Michael O'Brien vs. the woodpecker
(still undecided... but have you seen the holes on the side of the house)

Michael O'Brien vs. the shed
(Ok, he wins this one... the shed is still standing)

Michael O'Brien vs. grandkids swing set
(scary, but no bones broken)

Michael O'Brien vs. the junk left by his kids
(held recent tag sale... netted $12!)

1 comment:

Joan said...

Swing set comment is hysterical. We always had a human anchor holding it down - almost always.

Kids junk - what was left was donated to East school - what they didn't want went to Salvation army - what they didn't want - who knows